Cryogenic liquids
07 Jan 2010



Safety in the use of cryogenic liquids


Cryogenic Liquids are often used within the CLF. In particular liquid Nitrogen is used for enhancing vacuum systems.

Only those persons who have received suitable training may be permitted to handle or use cryogenic liquids. Before working with cryogenic liquids personnel must obtain authorisation from the relevant Area Safety Co-ordinator or deputy.

Dewars should be kept inside buildings where possible. This is important during cold, damp or wet weather conditions. The tops of dewars should be checked periodically to make sure they are free from ice and any gas venting paths are free from obstruction.

Suitable safety equipment must be worn when transferring any cryogenic liquids, because delicate tissues such as those of the eyes can be damaged by splashes from cold liquids or burns from cold surfaces.  Advice on the use of cryogenic liquids can be supplied by the Health & Safety Group.

If any person believes that they have suffered a cold burn they MUST IMMEDIATELY seek medical attention. Contact a local First Aider or the ambulance (ext 2222) if the urgency of the situation demands it.


Contact: Springate, Emma (STFC,RAL,CLF)