Science Case Update for a UK Free Electron Laser
12 Jun 2019



​In light of progress against STFC's strategy for Free Electron Lasers (FEL's) over the last 2-3 years and recognizing the growing experience of the UK Science Community, STFC is seeking to update the science case for a UK based FEL.



Image credit: UKRI

mark thomson.jpg​The aim of the update is to focus on transformative scientific opportunities that would be enabled by a UK FEL and to conduct an assessment of these in the context of the UKRI Strategic Prospectus and Government Priorities. This will include an identification of the performance gap between current, planned and required capabilities & capacities to exploit the identified opportunities. It won't, at this stage, be a detailed technical design.

STFC has asked Professor Jon Marangos from Imperial College, London to lead this science case update. Prof Marangos will be assisted by a Science Team he will assemble from UK universities and Institutes, and an internal team within STFC. Collectively, the process is expected to take about 1 year to complete.

A key element will be an assessment of the level of interest within the UK Scientific Community. A short survey, followed by series of dedicated workshops are planned for later this year. The process will formally kick off with a Town Meeting at the Royal Society on July 16th 2019. Details of speakers and registration for this will be announced shortly.

We hope that those of you with an interest in the opportunities offered by FEL based science will be able to participate in the various events planned and the development of this update.

Professor Mark Thomson

Executive Chair, STFC

Read more on STFC's FEL strategy here.

Image Credit: UKRI

Contact: Towrie, Helen (STFC,RAL,CLF)